Sunday, December 29, 2019

Bullying Is An Emotionally Draining Issue Prominent Across...

Richard McDonough Mrs. Bishop Senior English 18 January 2017 Rough Draft Bullying is an emotionally draining issue prominent across the world today. Bullying is unacceptable, and there are many, if not several movements in an effort to end bullying once and for all. Throughout the course of this essay, I am going to discuss the issue of bullying, and formulate an argument towards the issue at hand. In this argument, I will show my support in the fight against bullying. A lot of things have changed throughout the course of time; however, it is still prominent throughout the world today. Bullying is inhumane, and needs to end; what do you think? Do you think the fights against bullying are effective? Do you all think that†¦show more content†¦People do not need to be afraid to intervene in the situation. If perhaps, more people would stand up to the bully for the bullied, bullying could end before it even starts. This is played out due to the numbers game in which friends and even total strangers could force a bully to give up and leave the scene. Is bullying getting worse? It solely depends on the situation at hand. Cameron Conaway, an MMA fighter turned poet and writer explores just what he believes is causing bullying to become worse. Within his article, he gives five valid reasons that he believes is causing bullying to become worse as time elapses. First, Conaway discusses technology can contribute to an increase in bullying. Next Conaway states that the lack of physical education can be a point that can cause bullying. Parents need to regulate just how much junk food their children are exposed to on a daily basis. So if the children have the Life sucked out of them; then this creates a Breeding ground for bullying. Children need to learn how others feel about their actions, and if they realize what emotional play it causes on a peer; then bullying will possibly cease. Conaway states, These days, parents simply cannot pop out a kid and expect to learn everything on the fly. There are some tools like creating teachable moments, talking about difficult issues, handling inter/intra personal stressors, etc., that could significantly help how

Friday, December 20, 2019

Bipolar Disorder Symptoms And Treatment - 2115 Words

Corey Brooks PSY 113-01 Dr. Shamberg 29 April 2016 Bipolar Disorder The Bipolar disorder or you can call it manic depression, it is a often diagnosed and draining frame or state of mind disorder which causes huge shifts in temperament and frame of mind. The word bipolar means that the two main polar extremes in which a person with the disorder experiences. According a part of the National Institutes of Health that watches over neurological and psychological research this disorder affects about 2.1 million adults in the U. S. and about 1 percent of the entire world. The first stages or signs of this disorder usually first appear in childhood and early adulthood, with cases†¦show more content†¦These people will be noticeably way more socially and physically active than usual, get way less sleep than normal, engage in many activities at one time, and be very sloppy while doing those activities. One of the wildest symptoms is the over involvement in risk taking activities known as hyper-sexuality. If an episode gets worse peopl e may begin to experience some symptoms that are just like some symptoms of schizophrenia. Including hallucinations, delusions, and severely wild thinking and reasoning patterns. This sometimes leads to the misdiagnosis of people with bipolar disorder as people with schizophrenia, sometimes episodes can even lead to unprovoked violence towards anything like objets and people they may or may not even know. During those manic episodes people usually wont even reconize exactly what they are doing at that time during an episode and wont really have any control over their own thoughts and actions. A hypomanic episode is just like a manic episode only a little less severe. The symptoms of a hypomanic episode include pretty much most of the same symptoms as a manic episode does, with a decreased need for sleep, fast racing thoughts and the occasional anger trips. However, those hypomanic episodes aren’t usually perceptible to others and do not lessen someones social, work, or famil y life in any really big ways. The people that are going through a hypomanic episode are usually upbeat and

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Comparative Analysis of the Events in the Israeli-Arab Conflict free essay sample

A comparative analysis of the 1950 UNCCP Geneva Conference and the 1983 Israel-Lebanon Agreement. This paper compares and contrasts the two events in light of the political climate and psychological obstacles affecting the negotiations. Influential factors discussed include Arab League talks, economic boycott of Israel, attacks on Northern Israel from Lebanon, and attitudes and expectations on both sides. The 1950 United Nations Conciliation Commission for Palestine conference in Geneva attempted to create an agreement between Israel and the Arab States through indirect negotiations with a UN mediator. This conference failed because neither side was willing to compromise their plans. The Israelis refused to negotiate unless they had proof of the Arabs commitment to peace, and the Arabs refused to negotiate unless the Israelis first implemented paragraph 11 of the UN resolution 194 from December 11, 1948. The Arab States attended the conference as one unit, where as the Israelis wished to deal with each state individually. Israel got a chance at a negotiation more to its liking, or so it thought, individually with Lebanon in 1983 with the Israel-Lebanon Agreement. We will write a custom essay sample on Comparative Analysis of the Events in the Israeli-Arab Conflict or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Just 4 years after the Camp David Peace Accords with Egypt, the Israel-Lebanon Agreement was Israels second attempt at individual negotiation with an Arab state. It failed because Israel approached the agreement thinking that it could easily manipulate Lebanon, and both Israel and Lebanon seriously underestimated Syria and the Arab agenda. For similar reasons that the Geneva conference failed; neither side was after a true peace, they just wanted to further their own goals.