Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Muslims And Western Culture - 1452 Words

Technology has infiltrated the society and made radical changes to many aspects of our lives. The western culture has threatened the traditional beliefs of Muslims as it seeks to alter the traditions and cultures of all people. The Muslims perceive western culture as having vile music, immoral movies, immodest dressing, rebellious teens, and pornography. The nostalgia behind this is that Muslims equate the Western culture to the Christian religion. This maker the Muslims even more violent towards the Christians as they believe that their religion is dominant, and the western culture threatens this aspect. Western dominance over the Muslims can be traced back to the colonial time. Most of the Muslims support violence and bitterly agree that it is the only way to deal with the western culture, which they affiliate with Christianity. The Muslim community feels betrayed by how the West favored Israel, a country that was formed at the expense of Palestinians. Christians believe that justice should be left to God as opposed to the Muslims, who face such atrocities with violence. The illusion that all Muslims are violent is misguided. Some of the Muslims are peaceful and loving towards non-Muslims. However, the majority of Muslims believe that the Qur’an gives them exclusive permission to converting or killing non-Muslims (Sachedina, 550). Some of the most referred verses in the Qur’an that gives Muslims the divine right to deal with non-Muslims are as follows: Qur’an 4:76. TheShow MoreRelatedMuslim Women in Western Culture2084 Words   |  9 PagesMuslim Women in Western Culture SOC 315: Cross-Cultural Perspectives April 24, 2011 Muslim Women in Western Culture Most people have seen a woman walking down the street or in a mall clad in what appears to be scarves wrapped around her head, covering her hair, ears, and neck. In some situations these women even have a veil covering up most of their face. 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